Large expanses of open land is allocated for organic fish, seafood and farm produce farming. It shall be facilitated using permaculture, aquaponics and hydroponics. The type of sea food and farm produce, apart from fish, is not defined yet and will depend on further investigations, research, and guidance by experts.
These products can then be supplemented for the development and perhaps lead to workshops and tours to encourage expansions to local areas.
Lobsters, Prawns and other types of shellfish farming will be explored as well.
Aquaponics is a combination of Aquaculture & Hydroponics. This means that fish and plants are grown in an integrated system, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two. An Aquaponic system uses the water from the fish tank to circulate through a grow bed where the plants are grown. Nitrifying bacteria convert fish wastes into plant - available nutrients. The plants use these nutrients as their main nutrient supply. The fish also benefit from this process, as the water is filtered by the plants, giving the fish clean water to live in.
This integrated system of Aquaponics has benefits not achievable when Aquaculture and Hydroponics are done separately. Aquaculture has the problem of buildup of wastes in the water, requiring filtering systems to clean the water as well as periodic releasing of waste water into the environment. Hydroponics uses chemical nutrients that eventually build up in the water and create toxic water. This water can no longer be used in the irrigation of the plants and is disposed of into the environment. Aquaponics takes both of these problems and turns them into solutions, as the waste in the water is used to feed the plants, therefore not requiring any chemical nutrients to be added to the system, and can have no pollution of the environment by either fish wastes or chemical pollutants.